The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity

About The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity
All FREOPP research considers the impact of public policies and proposed reforms on those with incomes or wealth below the U.S. median.
The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity seeks to expand economic opportunity to those who least have it, using the tools of individual liberty, free enterprise, technological innovation, and pluralism. FREOPP deploys the nation’s leading public policy scholars to serve this mission. All research conducted by FREOPP considers the impact of public policies and proposed reforms on those with incomes or wealth below the U.S. median. FREOPP is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization financed by tax-deductible contributions from individuals, foundations, and enterprises.
A pivotal moment for community colleges
Two-year schools with a vocational focus have fully recovered their enrollment losses since the pandemic. Enrollment at these schools is 4 percent above 2019 levels—a better performance than any other group of two-year or four-year schools.
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