Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism

About Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism
At the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism (CISC), our mission is to explore the moral foundations of capitalism. In pursuing this mission, we work with students, the academic community and the general public to increase public awareness of capitalism’s core principles and institutions. Find out more.
The Lyceum Program is the flagship program of the CISC. Founded in 2014, the Lyceum Program remains the only University program that studies liberty, capitalism, the American founding and moral character. Find out more.
Exploring Capitalism is a project of the CISC. The goal of the site is to help visitors explore the moral, political, and legal foundations of capitalism with a special focus on the socio-political foundations of a free society. Find out more.
The CISC also hosts several lectures each year, including the John W. Pope Lecture Series. Find out more about our upcoming events.