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The Georgia Republican Assembly

Georgia Organizations Party

The James Madison Institute

Florida Organizations Think tanks

The John Locke Foundation

North Carolina Organizations Think tanks

The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy

New Hampshire Organizations Think tanks

The Republican Party of Miami-Dade

Florida Organizations Party

The Republican Party of North Dakota

North Dakota Organizations Party

The Rio Grande Foundation

New Mexico Organizations Think tanks

The World Orphan Fund


The World Orphan Fund provides funding to orphans and those who care for them. With no staff or overhead, 100% of donations directly benefit orphans.

Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy

Virginia Organizations Think tanks

Toastmasters International

Organizations Training

Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teaches public speaking skills through a worldwide network of clubs that meet online and in person.

Travis County Republican Party

Travis County Organizations Party

Vermont Republican Party

Vermont Organizations Party

Veterans Yoga Project

Community Organizations

While providing psychotherapy for veterans recovering from PTS(D), he found that those who developed empowering self-regulating practices had better outcomes — they moved through post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth more quickly and gracefully.

Virginia Institute for Public Policy

Virginia Organizations Think tanks

Washington Policy Center

Washington Organizations Think tanks

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