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America’s Kids Belong

Community National Organizations

We dramatically improve the experiences and outcomes for kids in foster care, working to ensure they find safe, loving families, embraced by Foster Friendly Communities™ where they BELONG.

American Conservation Coalition

Community National Organizations

The American Conservation Coalition (ACC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to mobilizing young people around environmental action through common-sense, market-based, and limited-government ideals. ACC was founded in June 2017 by a group of Millennials who saw an ideological gap in the environmental movement preventing necessary bipartisan action.

American Enterprise Institute

Featured National Organizations Think tanks

Expanding liberty. Increasing individual opportunity. Strengthening free enterprise. All in a day’s work for the scholars at AEI.

American Heritage Girls

National Organizations Training

The AHG Program is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.

American Mainstreet Initiative

National Organizations Think tanks

A nimble think tank, the American Main Street Initiative focuses on issues of great importance to Main Street Americans and provides unflinching, persuasive, and intellectually rigorous content in high-visibility outlets. In doing so, we shape the debate—in favor of everyday Americans, the Constitution, and the American way of life.

Americans for Prosperity

Grassroots National Organizations

American for Prosperity activists engage friends and neighbors on key issues and encourage them to take an active role in advancing a free and open society, where every person can realize their American dream. We recruit and unite concerned individuals in all 50 states to advance policies that will help people improve their lives.

Amnesty International

Grassroots National Organizations

Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people who are committed to creating a future where human rights are enjoyed by everyone. United by our shared humanity, we know that the power to create positive change is within all of us.


National Organizations

ConservAmerica promotes commonsense, market-based solutions to today’s environmental and energy challenges. We believe that a strong economy and a healthy environment must go hand in hand if we are to pass a better world to our children and grandchildren.


National Organizations

FairVote is a nonpartisan organization seeking better elections for all. We research and advance voting reforms that make democracy more functional and representative for every American.

Family Policy Alliance

Colorado Springs Grassroots National Organizations Training

Family Policy Alliance (FPA) and Family Policy Alliance Foundation (FPAF) are Christian ministries that defend faith and protect families by organizing, educating and mobilizing the social conservative movement in America.

Federation for American Immigration Reform

National Organizations Think tanks

FAIR seeks to reduce overall immigration to a more normal level. Reducing legal immigration levels from well over one million at present to a very generous 300,000 a year over a sustained period will allow America to manage growth, address environmental concerns, and maintain a high quality of life.

Freedom Foundation

National Organizations Think tanks

Heritage Action

National Organizations Think tanks

Heritage Foundation

National Organizations Think tanks

Heritage’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

Leadership Institute

National Organizations Training

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